Thursday, January 24, 2013

Getting Colder/Staying Motivated

January 18th: Completed a solid 8 miles-(1:00:56) at 2:30pm. Date night with Liz :) We went and saw Django Unchained at 7pm. It was pretty good. Had some humor thrown in throughout which was much-needed. Long movie for sure though...2hrs. 40min with multiple previews beforehand. Ate a box of Charleston Chews and Junior Mints each, during the movie. Pretty tired after. Bed at an okay time.

January 19th: Ran 3 miles-(23:38) at 1pm. Went out for another 4 miles-(33:18) at 5:30pm. Don't remember exactly where all the time went on Saturday.

January 20th: Very low key day. Didn't feel real good. Took a bit of time to get going. Out for 6 miles-(49:41) at 4:20pm. Nothing exciting for the night...pretty boring actually. 42 miles for the week

January 21st: Ran a faster 5 miles-(37:12) at 12:50pm. Stuck around at my place until 4ish. Packed up my things and dirty laundry. Headed home for the night. Great dinner of homemade meatballs, mashed potatoes, corn, and vegetable soup. Thank you Mother! Brownies made by chef Adam topped with vanilla bean ice cream. Deliciousness. Played a bunch of ping pong...being at home ritual these days. Beat Seth once after he beat me and then got creamed twice by Kurt. I have to practice more. Don't remember when I went to bed...just after 11 I think.

January 22nd: Woke up at 8:40ish and then fell back asleep. Got up at 9:40am. Had a couple bowls of cereal for breakfast. Packed up my things and was out the door by 11am. Arrived for the XC meeting at 12pm. It was only 5-10 minutes. Just about basic things. Free pizza in the student center with Liz. We went to a computer lab for the next 2 hours. Printed off papers for classes, cleaned up my student email inbox, read through syllabuses, and organized things. Felt good to go by 2:45. Walmart was the next destination. Bought a couple binders and some oatmeal raisin walnut Clif bars. Back to my place by 4:30 to make some dinner. three-color Rotini pasta with sweet pepper and onion pasta sauce...Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top to add some more flavor. PB&J sandwich with oatmeal bread as well. Put away clean laundry, vacuumed, and built up some motivation for a cold 5 miles-(39:50) at 8:30. It was hard to get my butt out the door to run today...managed it, nonetheless. 12 degrees out, I believe. Cinnamon raisin bagel after with butter and brown sugar before bed. Bed by 11pm.

January 23rd: Woke up at 6:50am. Bagel and dry cereal for breakfast. Made sure I had everything that I needed for the day including cold running gear. Class 8-9:20. Clif bar for a snack. Classes 9:40-10:30 and 12-12:50. Lunch in between: half of a meatball sub from Subway. A couple bars after 12 o'clock class because I was hungry/needed energy for a run. Changed up and went out for 7 miles-(55:02) at 2:20pm from the school. Pretty cold out, icicles formed on my eyelashes. Felt like 12 degrees with the sun warming me up slightly. Back to my place to shower and get warm. Rotini left overs and bread with grape jam for dinner. Nose was really bothering me for the remainder of the day. Felt like I had a mild cold. Bed by 12.

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