Sunday, November 30, 2014

1st Week Of Base Building!

November 23rd-Sunday: An easy 8mi.-(58:10) in the early PM 

November 24th-Monday: 0

November 25th-Tuesday: 0

November 26th-Wednesday: An "easy" 8mi.-(64:35) in the late PM on the treadmill

November 27th-Thursday: An easy 2mi.-(14:58) in the AM at the Free Fall Classic 5k race venue where Seth-4th-18:13 and Adam-104th-28:58 competed, and my first day off since quitting job! :D

November 28th-Friday: An easy 8mi.-(58:41) in the early PM with Seth and a core workout-(2 sets of 45 sec planks x front, l side, r side)

November 29th-Saturday: An easy 4mi.-(29:32) in the early PM with Seth :)

30 miles for the week :)
30mi. in 980's

Saturday, November 22, 2014

2014 Turkey Trot

November 16th-Sunday: An easy 7mi.-(54:15)-980's at 6:20pm

November 17th-Monday: 0

November 18th-Tuesday: An easy 4mi.-(30:52)-980's at 5:04pm

November 19th-Wednesday: 0

November 20th-Thursday: 0

November 21st-Friday: An easy 4mi.-(32:28)-980's + 4 ST-STrides around 6pm

November 22nd-Saturday: Turkey Trot-(1.25wu-980's, dynamics + 4 ST, 5k race-19:03-6:08 pace-12th place overall-3's, 1cd-3's)-5mi. total

20mi. for the week
16mi. in 980's
4mi. in 3's

Saturday, November 15, 2014

I'm Cautiously Getting To Where I Want To Be

November 9th-Sunday: An easy 6mi.-(45:14)-New Balance at 12:30pm, felt pretty good and it was nice out, in the 50's :) 

November 10th-Monday: 0

November 11th-Tuesday: An easy 6mi.-(47:48)-New Balance at 4:50pm, didn't feel all that good

32mi. for the past 7 days

November 12th-Wednesday: 0

November 13th-Thursday: 0

November 14th-Friday: An easy 6mi.-(43:55-1.5wu-7.5mph, 3.5mi.-23:34, harder effort, and 1cd-7.5mph)-New Balance at night on the treadmill at home, felt pretty good, heart rate was around 150-165 for most of the run, 170 towards the end, and 180 at a 6:15 pace + 0% incline. 

November 15th-Saturday: An easy 7mi.-(51:35)-Brooks at 2:08pm, felt pretty good on this one :) 33 degrees out and a little breezy, broke out the cold weather tights for the first time since last winter. 

25mi. for the week
18mi. in 980's
7mi. in 3's

Taking It Slow

November 3rd-Monday: 0

November 4th-Tuesday: 0

November 5th-Wednesday: An easy 6mi.-(50:02)-New Balance 980's at 6:00pm, hamstring + sartorius still bothering me

November 6th-Thursday: 0

November 7th-Friday: An easy 8mi.-(62:12)-New Balance at 1:20pm, getting better

November 8th-Saturday: An easy 6mi.-(46:38)-Brooks at night on the treadmill at home, threw in 4 20-30sec. strides during the run at 10mph + 11mph for the last one.

20mi. for the past 6 days
14mi. in New Balance 980's
6mi. in Brooks Pure Cadence 3's

Recovery Week

October 27th-Monday: 0

October 28th-Tuesday: 0

October 29th-Wednesday: 0

October 30th-Thursday: An easy 4mi.-(32:54) at pm 

October 31st-Friday: 0

142mi. for the month of October
208mi. in the Pure Cadence 3's
1204mi. for 2014

November 1st-Saturday: 0

November 2nd-Sunday: 0-spinned for 13mi.-(33:15) + stretching and core-(planks)

4mi. for the week with 13mi. of spinning